rent agreement word format
Rental agreement word format for download
Now this agreement witnesses as follows:
The Tenant shall pay a monthly rent of ________ (in words _________ _______ _____________ ______________only) on or before ___ day of every month.
The Tenant has deposited with Owner ________ (in words _________ _______ _____________ ______________only) as advance and security deposit which the Owner hereby acknowledges the said sum shall carry no interest but refundable to the Tenant on the termination of the tenancy.
The tenancy shall be in force for a period of eleven months from the above said date, and the month of tenancy being the English calendar month.
The Owner shall have the right to terminate the tenancy if the Tenant fails to pay the rent regularly for a consecutive period of two or more months, or commits breach of any of the terms herein.
The Tenant shall use the premises only for residential purpose and shall not use it for any offensive or objectionable purpose, and shall not any consent of the Owner hereby a sublet under lease or part the possession of the any whomsoever or make any alteration therein.
The Owner shall allow the Tenant peaceful possession of any enjoyment of the premises during the continuance of tenancy provided the Tenant acts up to the terms of this agreement.
The Tenant shall not cause any damage to the fixed fixtures on the above said property. Any damage cause shall be repaired at the cost of the Tenant.
The Tenant shall pay electricity & ___________________ chargers separately and the Owner shall pay the property taxes & ___________________.
It is hereby agreed that one month notice on either side is required for the termination of the tenancy.

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