grading contract template exemple word
Sample grading contract doc
Exemple of grading contract between instructor and student. This sample template can be downloaded in word form . You can edit it as you want, you can also print it for your personnal uses.
Extract :
1.1: Purpose. The purpose of the Joint Venture shall be as follows:
The Instructor and The Student will work together to accomplish the course objectives of English 3840j as stated in the course syllabus.
1.2: Terms of the Agreement.
This Joint Venture shall commence on the date written above and shall continue in existence until terminated, liquidated, or dissolved by law or as hereinafter provided.
Article 2: Obligations
2.1: Obligations of the student
In order to fulfill the terms of the contract The Student will:
2.11: Major Obligations:
Complete all Major Essays according to the criteria specified by the relevant assignment sheet and turn in all Major Essays and or any constituent parts of major essays by the assigned due dates.

Tags :
grading contract in college, contract grading college writing
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