Deed of sale format word
Sample Deed of sale form
Find here an example of Deed of sale format template to download in word. You can edit it online or download it easily. You can also print this document. Adapt this document to your need.
Extract :
I, ___________________________________, of legal age, Filipino and a resident of ________________________________, Philippines, herein referred to as the (VENDOR) is the owner of a motor vehicle more particularly described as follows:
Make/Color :
Series/Body Type :
Motor/Engine No. :
Chassis No. :
Plate No./ MV File :
Registration No. :
That for and in consideration of the sum of _______________________________ Thousand (Php _________.00) Philippine Currency, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, I do hereby SELL, TRANSFER, CEDE and CONVEY TO ________________________________, of legal age, Filipino citizen and a resident of _________________________________, Philippines, (VENDEE) the above described motor vehicle, free from all liens and encumbrances.

Tags :
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