letter of interest template pdf / Prospecting Letter
Sample letter of interest or Prospecting Letter
Download this example of letter of interest template in pdf format.
A letter of interest, also known as a prospecting letter or inquiry letter, is sent to prospective
employers that may be hiring, but, haven't listed a specific job opening to apply for. Your letter
should contain information on why the company interests you and why your skills and experience
would be an asset to the company. Also provide information on how you will follow-up and where
you can be reached.
Extract :
Dear Mr./Ms. LastName,
I read about Company X's retail management training program in College Graduate Magazine and
I would like to inquire about the possibility of openings.
I am interested in a career in retail management and am planning to relocate to the New York
City area in the near future. I would be interested in learning more about the company and about
available opportunities.
I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Management and Business, as well as retail experience as
a Sales Associate and Key Holder. In addition, I completed two internships focusing on retail
My resume, which is enclosed, contains additional information on my experience and skills. I
would appreciate the opportunity to discuss the training program with you and to provide further
information on my candidacy. I can be reached anytime via my cell phone, 555-555-5555.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this
exciting opportunity.

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