
Doctor Strange Skin Could Be Revealed In Fortnite Leak

Doctor Strange is rumored to be coming to Fortnite for the upcoming season earlier this week. Epic Games hasn't confirmed anything yet, but it doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility. With Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness set to hit theaters in less than 50 days, it's likely Marvel will step up the marketing machine and use Fortnite to help promote the film, as it has with many other Marvel movies.

Although nothing has been confirmed, if the information is authentic, an announcement will most certainly be made soon.

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Doctor Strange skin in Fortnite

HYPEX, a Fortnite insider on Twitter, shared a screenshot of what appears to be Doctor Strange from Epic Games' battle royale shooter. His long, flowing coat and what appears to be the Book of Vishanti are both on his back, making it unclear if this will use Benedict Cumberbatch's likeness. Due to its location, the book is most likely to be used as a bling back item.

Doctor Strange Skin Could Be Revealed In Fortnite 2 Leak

It also appears that he wields a magic sword, which he obtained from walls and trees in the environment. Doctor Strange is believed to be included in the battle pass, according to reputable leaker ShiinaBR, so players won't have to pay $20 just for the skin.

Of course, Spider-Man had a similar experience last December. Spider-Man from the comics was integrated into the game, although a skin pack for Spider-Man: No Way Home was released separately. It's possible that the Doctor Strange featured in the battle pass is just a comic book rendition of the character, and a skin pack with new clothes and gear will be released to make him look more like Benedict Cumberbatch.

These rumors should be taken with a grain of salt until Fortnite Epic or Marvel make an official announcement.