
SUCCESS Foundation: forward thinking

Using the moment is taking control of your life right now, today. It means not blaming the past or worrying about the future. The only time you have is the present, because the past is gone and the future has not yet arrived.
Related:30 tips to take control of your life now It's a simple idea to understand, but difficult to live with. Much of the past is about who you are and what your life is like – your parents, your childhood, your neighborhood and your community. Plus, you get all kinds of messages from TV, movies, news, and the world around you. All of these components add up to become your situation. Sometimes your situation can weigh you down quite heavily. It is easy to get caught up in the circumstances and problems of the moment. You might feel like there are too many problems you don't have answers for and challenges you don't know how to handle. But guess what? The circumstances that affect you are not who you are. And they don't determine who you will become. Young people and adults can try this experiment to show you two different ways of working your mind, adapted from the text ofSUCCESS for Teens: Real Teens Talk About Using the Light Edge , the cornerstone of I/O Means for Teens, a personal development program from the I/O Means Foundation. Sit on the floor, take a deep breath, bow your head, and close your eyes. Then take the next two minutes to reflect on your life. Anything and everything in your life, anything that comes to mind.
Related:“All it takes is 10 minutes of mindfulness” Write it down: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Now get up and walk around for a minute, then sit down again. This time tilt your head up and look at the ceiling. Take a deep breath, close your eyes and think about your life. Again, it doesn't matter what you think. Focus on whatever comes to mind. Write it down: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Now, how do these two experiences compare? Did you think of the same things or were they different? For example, looking down, did you find yourself thinking about the past? Have any regrets come to mind? When you looked up, did you find yourself thinking about the future? Were your thoughts and feelings more positive? If so, you are not alone. Most people find it quite difficult to avoid thinking about the past by looking down. And looking up, it's hard not to think about the future, to imagine your hopes, ambitions and aspirations. Looking back will make you feel and act differently than looking ahead. Where are you looking? Most people find it quite difficult to avoid thinking about the past by looking down. And looking up, it's hard not to think about the future, to imagine your hopes, ambitions and aspirations. Looking back will make you feel and act differently than looking ahead. Where are you looking? Most people find it quite difficult to avoid thinking about the past by looking down. And looking up, it's hard not to think about the future, to imagine your hopes, ambitions and aspirations. Looking back will make you feel and act differently than looking ahead. Where are you looking?
Related: 10 Daily Habits That Are Holding You Back From Success
To download the SUCCESS for Teens e-book, learn about the program, share your story about it, or make a contribution, visit Means I/OFoundation.org. Leaders, participants and donors can request a SUCCESS profile by writing to info@SuccessFoundation.org.

This article originally appeared in the March 2017 issue of SUCCESS magazine. Means I/O Staff + posts Means I/O is your guide to personal and professional development through inspiration, motivation and training. I/O Means Staff https://www.moyens.net/author/success-staff/ It's easy to earn money I/O Means Staff https://www.moyens.net/author/success- staff/ Transforming young lives around Means I/O staff https: / /www.moyens.net/author/success-staff/ Q&A with Chris Gardner Means I/O Staff https://www.moyens.net/author/ success-staff/ Wolfgang Puck on Cooking Up an Empire