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Why should you contact a urologist specialist for an enlarged prostate?


Most men after the age of fifty face the problem of prostate enlargement. Initially, it remains in the mild stage, but later the problem worsens, posing greater health threats. This not only causes problems with urination, but also increases the risk of prostate cancer. Therefore, from the early stages, this problem should be treated carefully, and proper medical assistance can treat and control it. If you suffer from a similar problem, you should consult a urologist in Florida to learn more about the treatment options available and seek medical advice at the earliest.

enlarged prostate

Enlarged prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a urological condition in which the prostate presses on the urethra after enlargement. At first, this leads to thickening of the bladder muscles and thus creates problems with urination as the urethra narrows. The bladder contracts to allow urine to move, and this frequent contraction makes the bladder muscle sensitive, increasing the frequency of urination. This further creates discomfort for the person. In such a situation, the patient should contact Clove Urology an enlarged prostate urologist in Florida.

Symptoms of enlarged prostate

Symptoms vary from person to person. In later stages, the symptoms become more severe. Common symptoms are:

  • Increased urgency to urinate
  • Increased frequency of urination, especially at night
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Difficulty completely emptying the bladder
  • Low urine output

However, apart from these, in some cases, other symptoms are also observed like

  • Urinary tract infection
  • Passage of blood in the urine

In some patients, it is observed that although their enlarged prostate is mild, they have severe symptoms. To stabilize the condition, the patient should contact an enlarged prostate urologist in Florida.

Causes of enlarged prostate

The main factors that lead to BPH include:

  • Increased body weight or obesity
  • Age increase
  • Decreased physical activity
  • Hereditary factors
  • Dyserection

Reason to consult a urologist

The risk factors for an enlarged prostate increase with these factors:

  • Aging – the risk of BPH increases with age and symptoms worsen. By age 60 most men develop the symptoms and by age 80 they take a negative turn.
  • Family history – The occurrence of this problem depends on the family history. If the father has this problem, it is likely that the son will develop the problem later.
  • Diabetes and heart disease – People with this have an increased risk of developing BPH.

Enlarged prostate in men worsens and increases health complications. If these are not treated early, they pose greater health threats. If not treated early with medication, the doctor resorts to surgery and inserts a catheter into the bladder to release the urine. Prolonged urinary retention and inability to urinate increase the risk of infection. The spread of infection eventually leads to the surgical removal of the prostate. Hence the need for early treatment. When the person cannot empty the bladder, it increases the chances of developing bladder stones, leading to infection, passage of blood in the urine, severe irritation and discomfort. When the bladder is not emptied, it stretches and the muscles weaken. The bladder muscles gradually lose the ability to contract, thus losing their ability to empty. The pressure exerted on the muscle of the bladder due to the retention of urine afterwards damages the kidneys. Sometimes the bladder infection also affects the kidneys.

These reasons indicate the need to contact an enlarged prostate urologist in Florida to prevent the problem from getting worse.


The urologist prescribes medications and suggests lifestyle changes to improve the patient's condition. For example, the doctor suggests doing exercise or Kegel exercises, reducing caffeine and alcohol intake, slowing down while urinating to ensure complete emptying of the bladder while urinating. The urologist also suggests not taking antidepressants and diuretics. Instead, the doctor prescribes drugs like alpha-blockers, such as Rapaflo, Flomax, Cardura, etc. These act on the muscles of the bladder and help release urine. In severe cases, the doctor resorts to surgery or removal of the glands.


These risk factors involved in prostate enlargement indicate that it is essential to treat the problem in the early stages to avoid later complications. Therefore, it is crucial to consult a doctor.