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What is a Certificate of Completion? If that's what you think, here's some useful information for you. First, you need to understand the difference between a high school diploma and a high school diploma. Although laws vary by state, there are generally two ways to graduate from high school: a high school diploma and a certificate of completion. Unlike a high school diploma, a Certificate of Completion (CoC) does not recognize or certify an education. Also, unlike Abitur, a certificate of completion is not issued to certify completion of graduation requirements. So what is a certificate of completion? let's see content
Typically, students who do not meet state graduation requirements but still wish to participate in an Individualized Education Program (IEP) with their class at graduation will receive a certificate of completion. Here are some basic properties Certificate of Completion:

It is used to demonstrate high school attendance and is by no means an academic certificate
You cannot use it as a means of getting into college or any other institution that requires a high school diploma
Diploma recipients cannot be prevented from returning to earn a bachelor's degree or full diploma equivalent
You can search the National Center for Educational Outcomes website for information on credential policies and state degree requirements
If you have any questions about your state's policies, please contact the state Department of Education
Typically, students who meet school requirements but fail state exams receive a certificate of completion. However, in many cases, students whose academic standards are expected to be changed by the IEP will receive the above-mentioned certificates.

A high school diploma can make it difficult for students to get into college. While it's not impossible, getting into college without a high school diploma is very difficult. Even if a child goes to college with a high school diploma, they cannot get federal student loans. Also, it is difficult to enlist in the military without a high school diploma. Still, many schools today choose to issue certificates of completion to students.

Today, the bar for earning a college degree has risen. This is why many students today cannot graduate from high school. Many schools in the United States choose to issue certificates of completion to some students because they want to avoid overcrowding caused by years of repetition. While not comparable to a high school diploma, a high school diploma is widely accepted as proof of graduation.
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