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Example of news report

Newspaper Report Examples

Find here an example of news report . You will find also more recommandation to how to make a Newspaper Report Examples.

Yesterday, we reviewed news report writing by analyzing a news story from The Metro.  Today, we are going to write a news report going through the same exercise.

  1. The lead is usually the first one to two sentences of a news report and answers several important questions for the reader.  Read the headline of the news report you are about to write.  Use the picture to help you with your story.

Now come up with, from your imagination, answers to the following prompts:

Who is the article about:

What has happened:

Where has it happened:

When did it happen:

An example of a good lead that answers two or more of the questions above is:

Yesterday morning, two men were arrested outside Dairy Queen on Dufferin Ave. after an altercation with police.

Now write your lead for your news report in the box provided below.









  1. The next step of the news report is to come up with more details and specifics for your story.  Some of these specifics or details may also answer the “why” and the “how” in the news report.  Use your imagination to come up with more details in the news report and list them next to the bullets below.  

Once you have done this, answer the “why” and “how” of your news report in the space provided below the bullets.


Why did this happen?:

How did this happen?:

  1. To make your news report more interesting, use quotes from interviews with witnesses of the event or others that may have had some connection with the event.  Again, use your imagination.

Who are some people that you as a journalist may have interviewed for your news report?  What would they have said to a reporter?

Interview 1:






Interview 2:




Interview 3:





  1. There are several ways journalists wrap up their news reports. How do you want to wrap up your news report in an interesting way?  Choose to end your report with statistics, a plea to the community or some other information you think might be a good way to conclude the report.







Plea to community:





Other information not directly connected to the story:




  1. Journalists write catchy headlines to grab the attention of their readers.  What is the headline you were given for your article?

Headline:  ________________________________________________________

“How to Write an Effective News Story” reminders:

  • News stories are written in third person.  Do not use “I” or “we”.  Use instead, “Witnesses stated” or “Investigators spoke to”

  • News stories are direct and to the point.  Write concise, coherent and clear sentences.

  • Answering the who, what, where, when, why and how of the event helps develop the news report.

  • News reports are based on facts.  Make sure to state specifics and details of the event throughout the report.  

  • News stories are not narratives.  You are not summarizing the story, you are writing a news story using events from the story you have read.

  • Keep in mind that when you are writing a news report, you are pretending to be a journalist.  You must use your imagination to come up with the events and the interviews for your news story.

Name: __________________ Date:  ______

News report Rubric

Level 1 


Level 2


Level 3 


Level 4



Shows evidence of understanding content of short story

Uses the 5 w’s

Thinking:  uses inferencing to develop content of news story including quotes, interviews, wrap up information


Writing clear and concise with little stylistic errors

Application:  follows proper news report formatting


Newspaper Report Examples

Here an example of news report 

Wren Rescues Ringtail by Ollie Jones in Brisbane 

Twelve year old student, Jilly Wren climbed 30 feet to rescue a Ring-tailed Possum today. Tree loppers had been removing trees at West Bank School to create a new concrete play area. During morning tea, students spied the possum peering out from a lopped hollow branch. “Jilly just shimmied way up the tree with her school bag and came down with a little possum thumping around inside it,” said school mate, Jack Komninos. Principal, Ms Anne Watson, alerted National Parks and Wild Life. With the help of the tree loppers, the wild life officers rescued six more ring-tailed possums from hollows in trees lopped for felling. All the possums are reported to be ‘in good condition’ and are being cared for at the Brisbane Forest Park. A suggested plan to relocate the possums in the school environs will involve refashioning of the hollowed tree trunks as part of an environmental sculpture project. Mr Harry Bean, who was on play ground duty when Jilly Wren climbed the tree, fainted and is receiving medical attention for concussion and stress. Jilly Wren used a coconut tree climbing technique known as the ‘frog’ to rescue the possum. The young heroine was unavailable for interview. According to Jack Komninos, Jilly was on detention for being in a ‘strictly out of bounds’ area.