
Experience certificate for civil engineer in word / pdf format

Experience Certificate Format PDF 

Download this example of sample Experience certificate for civil engineer in word format and pdf format. You can edit and adapt this document to your personnal job experience very easily.

What is a certificate of experience? 

Certificate of Experience is an official document confirming employment in a company/organization stating that a person is working or has worked for the company and the employee's name and his/her details such as father's name, Proofs residential address, employee ID. e.t.c. In addition, the length of service, the last appointment and the size of the employee's salary are certified. Experience certificate means that whatever is mentioned is true or correct. A certificate of experience or a letter of work experience is issued by the company in which the person works. A certificate of experience verifies all the skills or knowledge that a person has acquired. It is one of the valuable documents for a person for his career and future opportunities.


Example of Experience certificate for civil engineer format :

 I hereby certify that Mr. Prashant Shivaji Patil was employed by our firm, Gravity Solutions , during the period starting from 1st July 2009 to 20th December 2013 as a Site Engineer and Design Engineer.


       He started in our firm at the position of a trainee, but with his excellent performance and good abilities, he quickly got officially employed as a full time employee. For 5 years he is working for us, he demonstrated as a diligent and truthful person. His leadership skills were outstanding and very helpful and highly appraised by our staff. By the time he was leaving, he had been nominated to the position of Sr. Engineer.


       Anyway, all of us wish him the best in his career path and future and would like to thank him for his excellent contribution.


Yours faithfully,

[Name and Signature of Owner]

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